What do Kate Austin Family lawyers do?
While Family Law is a specialist area in itself we only act in one small segment of family law. We have chosen to specialise in Consent Orders and act only for clients who have an amicable agreement.
We do not get involved with disputes we do not take individual sides or advocate for how one client may achieve a better outcome. If you have a matter that requires that service, we are happy to refer you to another firm.
How much do Family Lawyers Cost?
Generally, Family Lawyers charge either by the hour or by an agreed fixed fee amount. The hourly rate for experienced family lawyer in Canberra is between $550 per hour and $770 per hour. In addition, there will be fee charged by support staff as well as disbursements. Fees on this basis are charged in accordance with the cost disclosure provided by their office.
Fixed fee legal fees generally are associated with a scope of work outlining what is included in the service and what is not. Fixed fee services provide more certainty for final fees however you do need to be certain that the work covered satisfies the outcome you are seeking.
Other Family lawyers that we would recommend.
We think it is very difficult to refer one lawyer that will be suitable to all people. Finding a lawyer that you could work with affectively is a personal decision. In general, however we would recommend that you see a lawyer that he’s an accredited specialist in Family Law. They have a demonstrated ability to advocate your for your best interests in addition of demonstrated knowledge of the entire family Law act.
Another option is to contact the Canberra law society . They are based in Canberra. Below is a link where you can find a lawyer that is either close to you or specialises in your particular area of Family Law.
What does a family lawyer do in Australia?
Family lawyers generally look after the following sets of issues. All these issues are covered in the family law act .
- The living arrangements for children and what time beach parent or grandparent spend with those children and addresses issues concerns with the care welfare and development of the child.
- Family Law Solicitor ‘s address issues involving property and financial arrangements between a couple. This can occur during before and after the relationship ends.
- They can address issues involving financial support from one member of the couple to the other after the relationship ends. This is not a spousal maintenance.
- The financial support for children after relation into such as child-support or child maintenance.
- They could also assist in the finalisation of the marriage also known as a divorce or an annulment.
Family law has the same legislation regardless of where you live in Australia. As a federal jurisdiction the same laws apply if you live in Canberra or any other Australian location.
Family Lawyers in Canberra you won’t find anywhere else
Kate Austin Family Lawyers are located in the CBD of Canberra. We provide our services throughout Canberra, including the outer suburbs. As we provide a remote legal service, our physical location has no bearing on your ability to access our service.
Kate Austin Family Lawyers service clients in Newcastle Wollongong and the Central Coast as well as regional areas such as Wagga Wagga, Bathurst Albury and Armadale. Because our service is fully remote it allows people in regional areas to have access to highly qualified and specialised solicitors that would otherwise be unavailable. We are able to work with clients via email, phone, or Zoom calls since all of our legal services are remote.
Canberra Family Lawyers for Consent Orders
Consent Orders are Kate Austin’s primary service. This is where two parties have an agreement, and they wish to formalise that agreement with the family court and make it legally binding. We work with clients who are not located geographically close to each. Because we do not represent either clients we are happy to work with both of you to get your agreement through the family court.
Family Lawyer Canberra Accredited specialists in
Kate Austin Family Lawyers are accredited specialist in family law. We have this accreditation in both New South Wales and Queensland with their respective law societies. You can be assured that we have the experience necessary to handle any aspect of your agreement. With over 20 years of working exclusively in Family Law we are confident that no matter what you require in your consent orders we will be able to draft orders appropriately. We have completed literally thousands of Family Law agreements and have personal contacts in Superannuation funds, actuarial services, Company lawyers for complicated structure guidance.
Best Family lawyers in Canberra
Firstly, every firm believes (or should believe) they are the best firm in Canberra. But no firm is the best Family lawyer to every client in Canberra. Clients have very different needs and different price points. Understand your niche and research who services that niche best.
Kate Austin Family Lawyers work closely with a very specific type of clients. We only work with clients who have agreements.
Clients who have agreements and require Consent orders come to us because
- We offer A fixed fee service and deliver within agreed time frames (usually 24 hours).
- We have a demonstrated expertise in this service.
- We are very accessible – you will be given a staff members mobile phone number.
While several firms have attempted to reproduce our business model which we welcome, and we quite frankly find it quite flattering. We have even had one firm copy and paste our intake forms and quoting structure. We remain committed and focussed of our core business – Fixed fee Consent Orders.
The vast majority of our work comes from referrals from existing clients’ previous clients and their families.
If you do not have an agreement, we are not a good option for you. If you require Consent Orders, we are more than happy to have a discussion to see if our suit is our services align with your needs.
Best suited Family lawyer for you in Canberra.
Kate Austin Family Lawyers would be the best suited law firm for you if you are in the following situation.
- You would like to legally finalise your financial relationship with your previous partner.
- You are still amicable with your previous partner.
- You are seeking a fixed fee arrangement.
- You are seeking a fair agreement that both of you are happy with.
However, if you are in the following situations Kate Austin is not a suitable option for you.
- You do not have an agreement with your former partner.
- You do not have an amicable relationship with your former partner.
- There is a history of significant domestic violence.
- You are not willing to be open and transparent to the current financial situation.
Family lawyer in Canberra free consultation
We are happy to have a general discussion in relation to your consent orders just to see
- If we are suitable for you.
- Generally, see if you have an agreement that would be considered just equitable.
- To see if we both believe that we are suitable to working with each other.
- To discuss how consent orders would work in your situation
- General discussions about timing disclosure and process.
Please note that unless you have an amicable agreement a free consultation is not something that will advance your matter. If we are not suitable we will let you know a probably direct you to a more suitable service.
How much does a family lawyer cost in Canberra ?
The cost of family lawyers very significantly. Most firms still charge on a time basis, this means that the longer they spend on your matter discussing with you, discussing with the other sides solicitor, drafting your agreements the more they will charge you. You need to be confident that any services you are engaging will be drafted and negotiated in an efficient manner. There is a saying in the legal field time costing rewards inefficiency.
Kate Austin Family Lawyers only offers fees on a fixed basis. This means regardless of how long it takes us to complete your matter our fees will remain the same. To ensure that clients stay focused on resolving the matter on the time efficient manner we do have rules around the number of changes we allow clients to make and the timeframes which matters need to be completed by. It is important when you start your matter that both parties clearly understand the agreement and are willing to disclose their financial information quickly.
- Our fees are fixed always
- We do not negotiate between parties or other parties lawyers.
- Our fees are inclusive of changes, GST
- We would like your matter listed in the Family Court within 4 weeks.