Is it possible to be divorced or decree absolute before I apply for Consent Orders?
Is it possible to be divorced or decree absolute before I apply for Consent Orders?
Getting a divorce is not a legal requirement before finalizing your property settlement or settling your child care arrangements. For most people, it is more important to settle their children’s arrangements and/or to finalize their property settlement before filing for divorce. It is usually the case that there are pressing matters that need to be resolved in terms of property and children’s issues well before the 12-month deadline for filing for divorce.
People often wait until after their Consent Orders have been made before making an application for divorce, and they view this as the final step in their separation rather than the first step.
After your divorce becomes final, you have 12 months to apply to the Family Court for a property settlement. Even though it has been 12 months since your divorce became final, in reality, the court will have no difficulty making consent orders to settle your property or arrange for the future care of your children despite the fact that you need the court’s leave to do so.
It is true that you can certainly obtain a divorce before obtaining a property settlement if you wish to do so, but practicality usually dictates that a property settlement be made either concurrently with or prior to filing for divorce.
If you have any questions in relation to Is it possible to be divorced or decree absolute before I apply for Consent Orders? consent orders please contact us to discuss your proposed agreement. We provide an instant quote for your agreement online that is fixed and includes all aspects of the documentation and submission process. General information about Kate Austin Family Lawyers can be found on our home page or if you would like information about our story or Rachel and Brendan there are links on our home page.
Kate Austin Family Lawyers provides a national service. Family Law is a federal jurisdiction so the law are uniform across the country. No matter where you are located we can assist. Sunshine Coast Newcastle Canberra Sydney Melbourne
This information is general in nature and cannot be interpreted as legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided by a qualified legal practitioner.