How long does it take to process Consent Orders

How long do Consent Orders take to process?


How long does it take to process Consent Orders

How long do Consent Orders take?


How long do Consent Orders take?


How long do Consent Orders take? This question comes in two parts

  1. How long does it take to draft your orders
  2. How long does the Family Court take to approve your orders?

Once you submit your intake forms, we will draft your agreement in 24 hours. Any changes you require will be completed in 24 more Hours. Signing your documents is completed electronically, there is no delay in this step.

How long will the family court take to approve your Consent Orders?

There are no strict timelines, but it usually takes around 4 weeks from when you lodge your documents in the Family Court until the Consent Orders are made available. Consent Orders can be accessed online with the court seal on them. You can download them and forward them to relevant organisations, such as conveyancers for property transfers or schools that require family court orders for registration

Generally, Consent Orders are approved within four to six weeks, provided they are deemed “just and equitable.”

The time it takes for the Family Court to approve consent orders depends on the time of year of your application and which registry your matter has been allocated to. Since there has been an amalgamation between the Federal Circuit Court and the Family Court, we have generally seen times fall for the approval of consent orders. 

If you submit your consent orders towards the end of the year, heading into Christmas, we generally expect a longer wait time. This is because there is a higher volume of consent orders and family law matters generally. If you submit your consent orders early in the school term, we typically see the approval time fall. 

Internally we run a metric on the number of days it takes for a set of consent orders to be approved. We calculate this over the last 30 matters that the Family Court has approved, and this considers what time of the year it is, regardless of the registry.

We have seen this number as high as 68 working days in September 2022 and as low as 8.5 days in February 2023. When we commence your matter, we will tell you the current expectancy.

What if your matter is not approved, and you must respond to a requisition?

How long do requisitions take in the Family Court?

This will depend on what the requisition is for and which registrar issues it. Matters will be delayed by 6 weeks. This may vary depending on which registrar has the matter. It may be possible to seek an early assessment prior to the full duration of the adjournment. This is something we will advise on.



If you have any questions in relation to How long do Consent Orders take to process? or consent orders please contact us to discuss your proposed agreement. We always provide an instant quote for your agreement online. It is fixed and includes all aspects of the documentation and submission process. General information about Kate Austin Family Lawyers  can be found on our home page or if you would like information about our story or Rachel and Brendan there are links on our home page.

Kate Austin Family Lawyers provides a national service. Family Law is a federal jurisdiction so the law are uniform across the country. No matter where you are located we can assist. Sunshine Coast  Newcastle  Canberra Sydney  Melbourne 

This information is general in nature and cannot be interpreted as legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided by a qualified legal practitioner.